Morning Sickness
Morning Sickness
And What To Do About It
My clinic this year has been full of successful pregnancies and that in itself is a blessing! Unfortunately, alongside the joy of becoming newly pregnant is morning sickness. This can occur in 70% of pregnancies to varying degrees. I can attest to the debilitating state this can put you in. While you are so happy to finally be pregnant, you also feel so icky.
I’m sharing here some of the things that have worked for both me and my patients. As always, ask your own medical professional for guidance before taking any supplements and medications during pregnancy.
Simple lifestyle tweaks
Take your prenatals at night before bed
Have water and crackers or whatever can settle your belly at your bedside for the first moments when you wake up
If the taste of water is one of those things that makes you gag, try diluted juice or an electrolyte drink. My fave and the one that truly kept me hydrated during the first trimester is called LMNT
Have small snacks with you at all times. Its really ok if that’s just crackers. Whatever keeps you from getting hungry will help
Take breaks and mini naps any chance you get. Your body is creating a human and it needs this time to rest
Ask for help and don’t feel bad about not being able to do what you are normally able to do
Never leave home without these:
Ginger & B6 Gummies. These really helped to ease my queasiness
Ginger and Peppermint Lozenges. Another thing to have on hand to settle my stomach
Ume plum can be settling. Its sour and astringent properties are thought to help morning sickness. Have these on hand to nibble on.
Magic Duo known to help with morning sickness: Mayo Clinic link. AAFP Link
Vitamin B6 - 25mg every 8 hours
Unisom Tablets - Yes, it sounds weird and totally unnatural, but believe me 1/2 a tab of this at night in addition to an adequate dose of B6 is a game changer. This combo is also the basis of a prescription medication, Diclectin, that your OB may recommend. Make sure you get the tablets made with doxylamine.
I hope some of these ideas help to quell your queasiness. Some conditions are more severe and you do need the guidance of your midwife or OB/GYN. In all cases, if you are absolutely miserable, seek help, get a prescription and give yourself grace. Your body is transitioning and going through a lot. Be gentle with yourself. Things will get better!!